describe 'the `completion` suggestion strategy' do let(:options) { ['ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY=completion'] } let(:before_sourcing) do -> do session. run_command('autoload compinit && compinit'). run_command('_foo() { compadd bar; compadd bat }'). run_command('compdef _foo baz') end end it 'suggests the first completion result' do session.send_string('baz ') wait_for { session.content }.to eq('baz bar') end it 'does not add extra carriage returns when prefix has a line feed' do skip '`stty` does not work inside zpty below zsh version 5.0.3' if session.zsh_version <'5.0.3') session.send_string('baz \\').send_keys('C-v', 'C-j') wait_for { session.content }.to eq("baz \\\nbar") end context 'when async mode is enabled' do let(:options) { ['ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_USE_ASYNC=true', 'ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY=completion'] } it 'suggests the first completion result' do session.send_string('baz ') wait_for { session.content }.to eq('baz bar') end it 'does not add extra carriage returns when prefix has a line feed' do skip '`stty` does not work inside zpty below zsh version 5.0.3' if session.zsh_version <'5.0.3') session.send_string('baz \\').send_keys('C-v', 'C-j') wait_for { session.content }.to eq("baz \\\nbar") end end end