describe 'when using vi mode' do let(:before_sourcing) do -> do session.run_command('bindkey -v') end end describe 'moving the cursor after exiting insert mode' do it 'should not clear the current suggestion' do with_history('foobar foo') do session. send_string('foo'). send_keys('escape'). send_keys('h') wait_for { session.content }.to eq('foobar foo') end end end describe '`vi-forward-word-end`' do it 'should accept through the end of the current word' do with_history('foobar foo') do session. send_string('foo'). send_keys('escape'). send_keys('e'). # vi-forward-word-end send_keys('a'). # vi-add-next send_string('baz') wait_for { session.content }.to eq('foobarbaz') end end end describe '`vi-forward-word`' do it 'should accept through the first character of the next word' do with_history('foobar foo') do session. send_string('foo'). send_keys('escape'). send_keys('w'). # vi-forward-word send_keys('a'). # vi-add-next send_string('az') wait_for { session.content }.to eq('foobar faz') end end end describe '`vi-find-next-char`' do it 'should accept through the next occurrence of the character' do with_history('foobar foo') do session. send_string('foo'). send_keys('escape'). send_keys('f'). # vi-find-next-char send_keys('o'). send_keys('a'). # vi-add-next send_string('b') wait_for { session.content }.to eq('foobar fob') end end end end