We don't need this hook as we have already bound every widget we could find (stop me if I'm wrong)

This commit is contained in:
Julien Nicoulaud 2011-07-31 17:14:50 +02:00
parent 08dae96eb1
commit 5003fa7c9b

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@ -162,9 +162,6 @@ for cur_widget in ${${(f)"$(builtin zle -la)"}:#(.*|orig-*|run-help|which-comman
unset cur_widget
# Start highlighting immediately after the creation of a new command line.
autoload add-zsh-hook && add-zsh-hook precmd _zsh_highlight
# Load highlighters from highlighters directory and check they define required functions.
for highlighter_dir ($highlighters_dir/*/); do