/* * Purpose: test function calls and duplex instructions. * The string "Hello there, I'm a test string!" with the first letter replaced * with a capital L should be printed out. */ #define SYS_write 64 #define FD_STDOUT 1 .text .globl test test: { jumpr r31 memb(r0+#0) = #76 } .Lfunc_end0: .Ltmp0: .size test, .Ltmp0-test .globl _start _start: { r0 = ##dummy_buffer allocframe(#0) call test } { call write } { deallocframe jump pass } .Lfunc_end1: .Ltmp1: .size _start, .Ltmp1-_start write: { r6 = #SYS_write r0 = #FD_STDOUT r1 = ##dummy_buffer r2 = #33 } { trap0(#1) } { jumpr r31 } .Lfunc_end2: .Ltmp2: .size write, .Ltmp2-write .type dummy_buffer,@object .data .globl dummy_buffer .p2align 3 dummy_buffer: .string "Hello there, I'm a test string!\n" .space 223 .size dummy_buffer, 256