Taylor Simpson 163e5fa38e Hexagon (target/hexagon) Additional instructions handled by idef-parser
**** Changes in v3 ****
Fix bugs exposed by dpmpyss_rnd_s0 instruction
    Set correct size/signedness for constants
    Test cases added to tests/tcg/hexagon/misc.c

**** Changes in v2 ****
Fix bug in imm_print identified in clang build

Currently, idef-parser skips all floating point instructions.  However,
there are some floating point instructions that can be handled.

The following instructions are now parsed

To make these instructions work, we fix some bugs in parser-helpers.c
    lexer properly sets size/signedness of constants

Test cases added to tests/tcg/hexagon/fpstuff.c

Signed-off-by: Taylor Simpson <tsimpson@quicinc.com>
Tested-by: Anton Johansson <anjo@rev.ng>
Reviewed-by: Anton Johansson <anjo@rev.ng>
Message-Id: <20230501203125.4025991-1-tsimpson@quicinc.com>
2023-05-18 12:40:52 -07:00

476 lines
23 KiB

%option noyywrap noinput nounput
%option 8bit reentrant bison-bridge
%option warn nodefault
%option bison-locations
* Copyright(c) 2019-2023 rev.ng Labs Srl. All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "hex_regs.h"
#include "idef-parser.h"
#include "idef-parser.tab.h"
/* Keep track of scanner position for error message printout */
#define YY_USER_ACTION yylloc->first_column = yylloc->last_column; \
for (int i = 0; yytext[i] != '\0'; i++) { \
yylloc->last_column++; \
/* Global Error Counter */
int error_count;
/* Definitions */
DIGIT [0-9]
LOWER_ID [a-z]
INST_NAME [A-Z]+[0-9]_([A-Za-z]|[0-9]|_)+
HEX_DIGIT [0-9a-fA-F]
REG_ID_32 e|s|d|t|u|v|x|y
REG_ID_64 ee|ss|dd|tt|uu|vv|xx|yy
SYS_ID_32 s|d
SYS_ID_64 ss|dd
PRED_ID d|s|t|u|v|e|x|x
IMM_ID r|s|S|u|U
VAR_ID [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
STRING_LIT \"(\\.|[^"\\])*\"
/* Tokens */
[ \t\f\v]+ { /* Ignore whitespaces. */ }
[\n\r]+ { /* Ignore newlines. */ }
^#.*$ { /* Ignore linemarkers. */ }
{INST_NAME} { yylval->string = g_string_new(yytext);
return INAME; }
"fFLOAT" |
"0.0" |
"0x1.0p52" |
"0x1.0p-52" { return FAIL; }
"in" { return IN; }
"R"{REG_ID_32}"V" {
yylval->rvalue.type = REGISTER_ARG;
yylval->rvalue.reg.type = GENERAL_PURPOSE;
yylval->rvalue.reg.id = yytext[1];
yylval->rvalue.reg.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.is_dotnew = false;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = SIGNED;
return REG; }
"R"{REG_ID_64}"V" {
yylval->rvalue.type = REGISTER_ARG;
yylval->rvalue.reg.type = GENERAL_PURPOSE;
yylval->rvalue.reg.id = yytext[1];
yylval->rvalue.reg.bit_width = 64;
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 64;
yylval->rvalue.is_dotnew = false;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = SIGNED;
return REG; }
"MuV" {
yylval->rvalue.type = REGISTER_ARG;
yylval->rvalue.reg.type = MODIFIER;
yylval->rvalue.reg.id = 'u';
yylval->rvalue.reg.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = SIGNED;
return REG; }
"C"{REG_ID_32}"V" {
yylval->rvalue.type = REGISTER_ARG;
yylval->rvalue.reg.type = CONTROL;
yylval->rvalue.reg.id = yytext[1];
yylval->rvalue.reg.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.is_dotnew = false;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = SIGNED;
return REG; }
"C"{REG_ID_64}"V" {
yylval->rvalue.type = REGISTER_ARG;
yylval->rvalue.reg.type = CONTROL;
yylval->rvalue.reg.id = yytext[1];
yylval->rvalue.reg.bit_width = 64;
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 64;
yylval->rvalue.is_dotnew = false;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = SIGNED;
return REG; }
{IMM_ID}"iV" {
yylval->rvalue.type = IMMEDIATE;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = SIGNED;
yylval->rvalue.imm.type = VARIABLE;
yylval->rvalue.imm.id = yytext[0];
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.is_dotnew = false;
return IMM; }
"P"{PRED_ID}"V" {
yylval->rvalue.type = PREDICATE;
yylval->rvalue.pred.id = yytext[1];
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.is_dotnew = false;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = SIGNED;
return PRED; }
"P"{PRED_ID}"N" {
yylval->rvalue.type = PREDICATE;
yylval->rvalue.pred.id = yytext[1];
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.is_dotnew = true;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = SIGNED;
return PRED; }
"+=" { return INC; }
"-=" { return DEC; }
"++" { return PLUSPLUS; }
"&=" { return ANDA; }
"|=" { return ORA; }
"^=" { return XORA; }
"<<" { return ASL; }
">>" { return ASR; }
">>>" { return LSR; }
"==" { return EQ; }
"!=" { return NEQ; }
"<=" { return LTE; }
">=" { return GTE; }
"&&" { return ANDL; }
"else" { return ELSE; }
"for" { return FOR; }
"fREAD_IREG" { return ICIRC; }
"if" { return IF; }
"fFRAMECHECK" { return FCHK; }
"Constant_extended" { return CONSTEXT; }
"fCL1_"{DIGIT} { return LOCNT; }
"fbrev" { return BREV; }
"fSXTN" { return SXT; }
"fZXTN" { return ZXT; }
"fDF_MAX" |
"fSF_MAX" |
"fMAX" { return MAX; }
"fDF_MIN" |
"fSF_MIN" |
"fMIN" { return MIN; }
"fABS" { return ABS; }
"fRNDN" { return ROUND; }
"fCRND" { return CROUND; }
"fCRNDN" { return CROUND; }
"fPM_CIRI" { return CIRCADD; }
"fPM_CIRR" { return CIRCADD; }
"fSATN" { yylval->sat.signedness = SIGNED;
return SAT; }
"fSATUN" { yylval->sat.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return SAT; }
"fCONSTLL" { yylval->cast.bit_width = 64;
yylval->cast.signedness = SIGNED;
return CAST; }
"fSE32_64" { yylval->cast.bit_width = 64;
yylval->cast.signedness = SIGNED;
return CAST; }
"fCAST4_4u" { yylval->cast.bit_width = 32;
yylval->cast.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return CAST; }
"fCAST4_8s" { yylval->cast.bit_width = 64;
yylval->cast.signedness = SIGNED;
return CAST; }
"fCAST4_8u" { return CAST4_8U; }
"fCAST4u" { yylval->cast.bit_width = 32;
yylval->cast.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return CAST; }
"fCAST4_4s" |
"fCAST4s" { yylval->cast.bit_width = 32;
yylval->cast.signedness = SIGNED;
return CAST; }
"fCAST8_8u" { yylval->cast.bit_width = 64;
yylval->cast.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return CAST; }
"fCAST8u" { yylval->cast.bit_width = 64;
yylval->cast.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return CAST; }
"fCAST8_8s" |
"fCAST8s" { yylval->cast.bit_width = 64;
yylval->cast.signedness = SIGNED;
return CAST; }
"fGETBIT" { yylval->extract.bit_width = 1;
yylval->extract.storage_bit_width = 1;
yylval->extract.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return EXTRACT; }
"fGETBYTE" { yylval->extract.bit_width = 8;
yylval->extract.storage_bit_width = 8;
yylval->extract.signedness = SIGNED;
return EXTRACT; }
"fGETUBYTE" { yylval->extract.bit_width = 8;
yylval->extract.storage_bit_width = 8;
yylval->extract.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return EXTRACT; }
"fGETHALF" { yylval->extract.bit_width = 16;
yylval->extract.storage_bit_width = 16;
yylval->extract.signedness = SIGNED;
return EXTRACT; }
"fGETUHALF" { yylval->extract.bit_width = 16;
yylval->extract.storage_bit_width = 16;
yylval->extract.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return EXTRACT; }
"fGETWORD" { yylval->extract.bit_width = 32;
yylval->extract.storage_bit_width = 64;
yylval->extract.signedness = SIGNED;
return EXTRACT; }
"fGETUWORD" { yylval->extract.bit_width = 32;
yylval->extract.storage_bit_width = 64;
yylval->extract.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return EXTRACT; }
"fSETBIT" { yylval->cast.bit_width = 1;
yylval->cast.signedness = SIGNED;
return DEPOSIT; }
"fSETBYTE" { yylval->cast.bit_width = 8;
yylval->cast.signedness = SIGNED;
return DEPOSIT; }
"fSETHALF" { yylval->cast.bit_width = 16;
yylval->cast.signedness = SIGNED;
return SETHALF; }
"fSETWORD" { yylval->cast.bit_width = 32;
yylval->cast.signedness = SIGNED;
return DEPOSIT; }
"fINSERT_BITS" { return INSBITS; }
"fSETBITS" { return SETBITS; }
"fMPY16UU" { yylval->mpy.first_bit_width = 16;
yylval->mpy.second_bit_width = 16;
yylval->mpy.first_signedness = UNSIGNED;
yylval->mpy.second_signedness = UNSIGNED;
return MPY; }
"fMPY16SU" { yylval->mpy.first_bit_width = 16;
yylval->mpy.second_bit_width = 16;
yylval->mpy.first_signedness = SIGNED;
yylval->mpy.second_signedness = UNSIGNED;
return MPY; }
"fMPY16SS" { yylval->mpy.first_bit_width = 16;
yylval->mpy.second_bit_width = 16;
yylval->mpy.first_signedness = SIGNED;
yylval->mpy.second_signedness = SIGNED;
return MPY; }
"fMPY32UU" { yylval->mpy.first_bit_width = 32;
yylval->mpy.second_bit_width = 32;
yylval->mpy.first_signedness = UNSIGNED;
yylval->mpy.second_signedness = UNSIGNED;
return MPY; }
"fMPY32SU" { yylval->mpy.first_bit_width = 32;
yylval->mpy.second_bit_width = 32;
yylval->mpy.first_signedness = SIGNED;
yylval->mpy.second_signedness = UNSIGNED;
return MPY; }
"fSFMPY" |
"fMPY32SS" { yylval->mpy.first_bit_width = 32;
yylval->mpy.second_bit_width = 32;
yylval->mpy.first_signedness = SIGNED;
yylval->mpy.second_signedness = SIGNED;
return MPY; }
"fMPY3216SS" { yylval->mpy.first_bit_width = 32;
yylval->mpy.second_bit_width = 16;
yylval->mpy.first_signedness = SIGNED;
yylval->mpy.second_signedness = SIGNED;
return MPY; }
"fMPY3216SU" { yylval->mpy.first_bit_width = 32;
yylval->mpy.second_bit_width = 16;
yylval->mpy.first_signedness = SIGNED;
yylval->mpy.second_signedness = UNSIGNED;
return MPY; }
"fPASS" |
"fECHO" { return IDENTITY; }
"(size8u_t)" { yylval->cast.bit_width = 64;
yylval->cast.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return CAST; }
"(unsigned int)" { yylval->cast.bit_width = 32;
yylval->cast.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return CAST; }
"fREAD_PC()" { return PC; }
"USR.LPCFG" { return LPCFG; }
"CANCEL" { return CANCEL; }
"N"{LOWER_ID}"N" { yylval->rvalue.type = REGISTER_ARG;
yylval->rvalue.reg.type = DOTNEW;
yylval->rvalue.reg.id = yytext[1];
yylval->rvalue.reg.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return REG; }
"fREAD_SP()" |
"SP" { yylval->rvalue.type = REGISTER;
yylval->rvalue.reg.type = GENERAL_PURPOSE;
yylval->rvalue.reg.id = HEX_REG_SP;
yylval->rvalue.reg.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return REG; }
"fREAD_FP()" |
"FP" { yylval->rvalue.type = REGISTER;
yylval->rvalue.reg.type = GENERAL_PURPOSE;
yylval->rvalue.reg.id = HEX_REG_FP;
yylval->rvalue.reg.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return REG; }
"fREAD_LR()" |
"LR" { yylval->rvalue.type = REGISTER;
yylval->rvalue.reg.type = GENERAL_PURPOSE;
yylval->rvalue.reg.id = HEX_REG_LR;
yylval->rvalue.reg.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return REG; }
"fREAD_GP()" |
"GP" { yylval->rvalue.type = REGISTER;
yylval->rvalue.reg.type = CONTROL;
yylval->rvalue.reg.id = HEX_REG_GP;
yylval->rvalue.reg.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return REG; }
"LC"[01] { yylval->rvalue.type = REGISTER;
yylval->rvalue.reg.type = CONTROL;
yylval->rvalue.reg.id = HEX_REG_LC0
+ (yytext[2] - '0') * 2;
yylval->rvalue.reg.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return REG; }
"SA"[01] { yylval->rvalue.type = REGISTER;
yylval->rvalue.reg.type = CONTROL;
yylval->rvalue.reg.id = HEX_REG_SA0
+ (yytext[2] - '0') * 2;
yylval->rvalue.reg.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = UNSIGNED;
return REG; }
"fREAD_P0()" { yylval->rvalue.type = PREDICATE;
yylval->rvalue.pred.id = '0';
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
return PRED; }
[pP]{DIGIT} { yylval->rvalue.type = PREDICATE;
yylval->rvalue.pred.id = yytext[1];
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.is_dotnew = false;
return PRED; }
[pP]{DIGIT}[nN] { yylval->rvalue.type = PREDICATE;
yylval->rvalue.pred.id = yytext[1];
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.is_dotnew = true;
return PRED; }
"fLSBNEW" { return LSBNEW; }
"N" { yylval->rvalue.type = IMMEDIATE;
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.imm.type = VARIABLE;
yylval->rvalue.imm.id = 'N';
return IMM; }
"i" { yylval->rvalue.type = IMMEDIATE;
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 32;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = SIGNED;
yylval->rvalue.imm.type = I;
return IMM; }
{SIGN_ID} { if (yytext[0] == 'u') {
yylval->signedness = UNSIGNED;
} else {
yylval->signedness = SIGNED;
return SIGN;
"0x"{HEX_DIGIT}+ { uint64_t value = strtoull(yytext, NULL, 0);
yylval->rvalue.type = IMMEDIATE;
yylval->rvalue.imm.type = VALUE;
yylval->rvalue.imm.value = value;
if (value <= INT_MAX) {
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = sizeof(int) * 8;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = SIGNED;
} else if (value <= UINT_MAX) {
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = sizeof(unsigned int) * 8;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = UNSIGNED;
} else if (value <= LONG_MAX) {
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = sizeof(long) * 8;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = SIGNED;
} else if (value <= ULONG_MAX) {
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = sizeof(unsigned long) * 8;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = UNSIGNED;
} else {
return IMM; }
{DIGIT}+ { int64_t value = strtoll(yytext, NULL, 0);
yylval->rvalue.type = IMMEDIATE;
yylval->rvalue.imm.type = VALUE;
yylval->rvalue.imm.value = value;
if (value >= INT_MIN && value <= INT_MAX) {
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = sizeof(int) * 8;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = SIGNED;
} else if (value >= LONG_MIN && value <= LONG_MAX) {
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = sizeof(long) * 8;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = SIGNED;
} else {
return IMM; }
"0x"{HEX_DIGIT}+"ULL" |
{DIGIT}+"ULL" { yylval->rvalue.type = IMMEDIATE;
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 64;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = UNSIGNED;
yylval->rvalue.imm.type = VALUE;
yylval->rvalue.imm.value = strtoull(yytext, NULL, 0);
return IMM; }
"fLOAD" { return LOAD; }
"fSTORE" { return STORE; }
"fROTL" { return ROTL; }
"fADDSAT64" { return ADDSAT64; }
"size"[1248][us]"_t" { /* Handles "size_t" variants of int types */
const unsigned int bits_per_byte = 8;
const unsigned int bytes = yytext[4] - '0';
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = bits_per_byte * bytes;
if (yytext[5] == 'u') {
yylval->rvalue.signedness = UNSIGNED;
} else {
yylval->rvalue.signedness = SIGNED;
return TYPE_SIZE_T; }
"unsigned" { return TYPE_UNSIGNED; }
"long" { return TYPE_LONG; }
"int" { return TYPE_INT; }
"const" { /* Emit no token */ }
{VAR_ID} { /* Variable name, we adopt the C names convention */
yylval->rvalue.type = VARID;
yylval->rvalue.var.name = g_string_new(yytext);
/* Default to an unknown signedness and 0 width. */
yylval->rvalue.bit_width = 0;
yylval->rvalue.signedness = UNKNOWN_SIGNEDNESS;
return VAR; }
"fatal("{STRING_LIT}")" { /* Emit no token */ }
"fHINTJR(RsV)" { /* Emit no token */ }
. { return yytext[0]; }